Do Females Have Prostates

Do Females Have Prostates? In women or females, the prostate is known as the ‘Skene’s gland’ which is located a few centimeters inside the vagina. The girls prostates is better known as the G-spot. The female prostate will produce fluid that can be ‘ejaculated’ during arousal claim by researchers. The fluid produce by the prostate helps lubricate the urethral opening and may have antimicrobial properties that protect the urinary tract from infections.

The size of female prostates are extremely varying, some women have ones that are too small to spot, leading to much argue over the existence of the G-spot and the possibility of female ejaculation. The Skene’s glands are believed to have the similar structural components as the male prostate, though it is much smaller. Interestingly, they also produces prostate specific antigen, or PSA and raised PSA levels can be sign of cancer in both sexes, but this relationship has been studied much more in men than in women. PSA is a diagnostic marker for breast disease, among other conditions, just as it is for prostate cancer in men.)

Though cancer of the Skene’s glands or their ducts is really uncommon, cysts, inflammation and infections occasionally happen in them and may be misdiagnosed as other urinary or gynecological conditions. In female, the Skene’s glands or women prostates can get obstructed, infected, enlarged or present with cysts, but these conditions are very uncommon. The symptoms include excess discharge, painful urination and/or intercourse. Blockages and cysts can be removed by simple surgery and infections can be treated with antibiotics. You may want to note that birth control pills can cause the gland to overproduce its fluid, which would result in excess discharge.

If a girl has unexplained or unresolved symptoms (like frequent and painful urination, vaginal pain or lower urinary tract or sexual dysfunction), it’s reasonable for her to consult to her health care provider to ascertain if she is having female prostate problems, these glands may be a contributing factor. So do females have prostates? Well it is term differently.

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