Check Myself For Prostate Cancer, 5 Warning Signs

Prostate cancer is one of the most more prevalent cancers among men. Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths for men in the United States. Prostate cancer develops and affects the walnut-shaped prostate glands of men, which is responsible for producing semen and transporting sperm.

The prostate is a small organ that rests under the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum. It is normal for the size of the prostate to enlarge with age. It is about the size of a walnut for youger men. The prostate produces a fluid, which formed part of the semen where the fluid feeds the sperm.

Prostate cancer progress very slowly and there are various stages of prostate cancer. It is absolutely important to check and recognise the early warning signs of prostate cancer because it aids in getting treated earlier.

The 5 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer Are:

1. Difficulty or Frequent In Urination

There may be a feel of rush but there is nothing to come out or the difficulty in stopping the urination. You could also feel you still need to urinate, even after finishing. Signs of weak and interuppted urine flow are other warning signs.

2. Blood in Semen or Urine

This sign is not so common, but in some cases, the blood can be seen in semen or the urine. This condition is also known as hematuria. As cancer develops in the prostate gland, it can grow and press onto the urethra, surrounding glands, and blood vessels. When this happened, body structure can become blocked, which leads to bloody urine or semen.

3. Erectile Problem or Dysfunction

Another signs and symptoms to watch out for when it comes to prostate cancer is erectile dysfunction. Prostate cancer can caused one to have  difficulty in achieving an erection, or to hold the erection. Erectile problems are usually caused due to atherosclerosis. However, it can also be caused because of prostate cancer interfering with ejaculation or erections.

4. Painful And Discomfort

An enlarged prostate will cause discomfort or pain while sitting. If the cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland, patient might also experience swelling in the lower back and pain in the back or hips. Any person having prostate cancer can also feel a lot of pain during urination or ejaculation. There are other causes behind the pain during urination but one of the causes of pain during urinating is because of the urinary tract infection. It is one of the classic signs of prostate cancer.

5. Leakage or Dribbling Urine

This one of the early warning sign of prostate cancer. It can be treated as the male urinary inconsistency version. This normally happens in a small but noticeable volume. It will cause longer waiting time to stop the dribbling or leakage, whic is one of the telltale signs of prostate cancer. This is likely due to the symptoms of overactive bladder or BPH.

Check yourself for prostate cancer based on the 5 warning signs to recognise your problems early and for the better treatment. If you experience some of these 5 early warning signs of prostate cancer, then it is best to check with your doctor readily. As prostate cancer is slow progression, the harm can be controlled by choosing the right treatment choice at the suitable time.