What Are Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
It is vital to recognise the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer that point to an underlying prostate cancer. Anybody concerned about themselves or a loved one developing prostate cancer should know the fundamentals about the early symptoms of prostate cancer that are commonly come across.Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Most prostate cancers are slow growing however, there are events of aggressive prostate cancers. The cancer cells may metastasize (spread) from the prostate to other regions of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes.
What Are The Symptoms of Prostate Cancer In Men?
Early stages of prostate cancer often have no signs and symptoms. Prostate cancer that is more advanced may have signs and symptoms like: dull pain in lower pelvic area, urgency of urination, trouble starting urination and/or hurt while urinating, weak urine flow and dribbling, frequent sensation that the bladder is full, excessive urination at night (Nocturia), blood in the urine, swelling in the legs, sore ejaculation, general pain in lower back, hips or upper thighs, Loss of appetite and weight, persistent bone pain.
Prostate cancer is not the only disease that can cause the prostate to swell. BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a much more common cause of an enlarged prostate and, thus, of urinary symptoms. BPH is not cancer, but is still an important condition that should be treated by a physician.
Many people are surprised to learn that the majority of men diagnosed with prostate cancer today have no signs and symptoms of prostate cancer when it is first detected. Because of the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test, most men have their prostate cancer detected before they have any significant signs and symptoms. The PSA test is a simple blood test that observes a particular protein produced by the prostate. As the prostate enlarges, a lot of this protein is created and to a greater extent is detected by the PSA test.